photograph of Matt

Computer Graphics and Art

I’ve been making pictures with computers for about 30 years, since back when we had to think about how many bitplanes our computers could afford to display (up to 32 colors! whoa! In 320×200 too!). Once upon a time, I did lots of 3D animation work, and before that, I went to art school and did the usual mixture of painting, drawing, sculpture, etc, coupled with lots of weird independent study with computers and a genuine wild‐haired mad professor. In those days, I explored digital imaging through code and 3D animation software, and other fun ideas like perception and synaesthesia. represents my taking a step back towards art after a pretty long career of working on some of the not-so-artsy parts of the web. It feels like play, and that can’t be a bad thing. I’m excited to bring my 18 years of experience with web technologies and 35+ years experience tinkering with computers back to art.

My Day Job

I’m an independent software developer and technology consultant by trade, specializing in data-driven web applications for small business.

Lately, I’ve mostly worked for a startup in a niche of the steel industry, doing a variety of research-oriented B2B software projects and service prototypes, but also a wide variety of small-biz generalism, from product development to technical illustration.

Other Stuff I Do:

Snail logo from Slow Food - copyright Slow Food

I’m the leader of a local chapter of the international Slow Food movement. I learned about Slow Food in 2005 in NYC and got involved with the leadership then. Slow Food is my best chance to step away from the screen and connect with people over something I’m passionate about and expert in: food and food-culture.

The Basics:

I’m from Madison WI, and I’ve lived in a straw-bale house in a cow pasture, and in Manhattan, NYC. I’ve traveled in western Europe several times, also to Mexico, Finland, and India. I currently reside in Madison, WI.

I’m a serial DIY-ist who’s often out of his depth. I love to cook, ride bikes, take photographs, and wrangle cats. I garden, attend Buddhist philosophy lectures, make pickles, do a bit of carpentry, apprentice at a boutique wine-shop, and bowl a shaky 170.

More “about” pages:
About   ✸   How it Works   ✩   Tech, Tools & Code

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